Day: December 16, 2022

Summer Learning Journey

Today I did the Summer Learning Journey.

First I drew the Mona Lisa on Google drawing using a copy of the original.

Next, I took a picture of the Mona Lisa and outlined it and then I had to put it togather.

I enjoyed drawing it and I did will at takeing a picture  and I need to improve on my drawing  a bit.



Tempperature vs Time.

This week I did Tempperature vs time.

five first I do the turn the Hot water on then I have to have the timer on for 5  minutes then I put the ice pack in to the Hot water.

Next I have to wait every five minutes then I can look at the thermometer then I wait for five minutes then look at the thermometer then I do same basic facts boxes and then I fell in my basic facts boxes then I look at the temperature of the thermometer.

Treasure hunt -Summer Learning journey.

This week  I did the summer Learning journey.

first I got same items and then I got a colouring in pen then I got a papar then a cup and then I got a tube then a ruler and then Leaf  then I got a Stone and then cardboard.

Next I did a photo and then I did the photo on to the Treasure hunt of the Google drawing then I did the labeld.